current affairs - 2023-11-30T194850.493

Major oil and gas firms have pledged to go carbon-neutral

Major oil and gas firms have pledged to go carbon-neutral...

current affairs - 2023-11-30T192318.508

Centre and Manipur ink deal with banned Meitei insurgent body

Centre and Manipur ink deal with banned Meitei insurgent body...

current affairs - 2023-11-30T190541.172

India backs UN resolution against Israel 

India backs UN resolution against Israel  Context  India supported a...

Project Collaboration Agreement

Project Collaboration Agreement Context: The Ministry of Ayush and the...


Rat Hole Mining

Rat Hole Mining Context: The recent rescue of 41 workers...


Rocky Reminder – The Silkyara tunnel rescue

Rocky Reminder – The Silkyara tunnel rescue Context: On November...

EDITORIAL ANALYSIS - 2023-11-30T210919.368

Social justice, sexual education, the need of our times.

Social justice, sexual education, the need of our times. Context:...