Towards Uniformity


The article discusses the adoption of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) by the Uttarakhand Assembly, aiming to standardize laws related to marriage, divorce, and succession across all communities, with a particular focus on the controversial provision regarding the formalization of live-in relationships.


GS-02 (Government policies and interventions)

Mains Question:

Discuss the historical perspectives, ongoing debates, and challenges associated with the implementation of a Uniform Civil Code in a diverse society. (250 words)

Dimensions of the Article:

  • Need for Uniform Civil Code
  • Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
  • Critique of Uttarakhand’s UCC
  • Historical Perspectives and Debates
  • Analysis of Uttarakhand’s Code

Need for Uniform Civil Code:

  • The concept of justice underscores the importance of uniformity in laws, which should emanate from equality.
  • While a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is seen as a progressive goal for a secular nation, it must accommodate diverse cultural and social practices to ensure fairness for all citizens.

Uniform Civil Code (UCC):

  • Background: The Uniform Civil Code, outlined in Article 44 of the Indian Constitution under the Directive Principles of State Policy, is aimed at providing a common set of civil laws for all citizens.
  • While it serves as a guideline for policymaking, it is not legally binding.
  • Support and Opposition: Advocates argue that the UCC promotes national integration and gender equality, while opponents express concerns over its potential infringement on religious freedom and diversity. Goa is the only state in India to have implemented a UCC, retaining its Goa Civil Code post-independence.
  • Personal Laws in India: India’s diverse population adheres to various personal laws based on religious identity, affecting civil matters like marriage and inheritance.
  • Challenges in Implementation: Diverse personal laws and customary practices, resistance from religious and minority groups, lack of political consensus, and practical complexities pose significant hurdles.
  • Benefits of UCC: UCC would foster national integration, uphold secularism, ensure gender justice, simplify the legal system, modernize outdated practices, and align with constitutional values.
  • Key Cases: Landmark legal cases like Shah Bano Begum v. Mohammad Ahmed Khan, Sarla Mudgal v. Union of India, and Shayara Bano v. Union of India have addressed issues related to UCC, highlighting the need for uniformity and gender equality in civil laws.

Critique of Uttarakhand’s UCC:

  • The adoption of a UCC by Uttarakhand marks a significant development since pre-Independence Goa. However, certain provisions, such as mandating registration of live-in relationships under penalty of imprisonment, raise constitutional concerns and infringe upon individual liberties.
  • While the Code contains positive aspects like legitimizing children of live-in relationships and ensuring maintenance, its imposition of registration imposes undue burdens on citizens.

Historical Perspectives and Debates:

  • The debate surrounding a UCC dates back to the Constitution-making process, with concerns about its impact on minority rights and gender equality. B.R. Ambedkar advocated for voluntary adoption of a UCC initially.
  • While previous Law Commissions have expressed skepticism about the necessity of a UCC, the current commission has reignited discussions, gathering public opinions on the matter.

Analysis of Uttarakhand’s Code:

  • The Uttarakhand UCC borrows elements from existing laws but introduces notable omissions and changes.
  • For instance, it allows for immediate remarriage after divorce without waiting periods or the need for remarriage to another person before reuniting with a former spouse, which eliminates regressive practices like iddat, talaq, and nikah halala.
  • However, the polarizing discourse surrounding the UCC in the context of upcoming elections highlights the need to prioritize justice over uniformity.

Way Forward:

While the idea of a Uniform Civil Code holds promise for ensuring equality and justice, its implementation must strike a balance between standardization and cultural diversity. The Uttarakhand UCC, while progressive in certain aspects, requires careful reconsideration of its contentious provisions to safeguard individual rights and promote inclusivity.

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