We need civil society engagement in Kashmir
We need civil society engagement in Kashmir For Mains Who...
NSCN (I-M) marks 25 years of Naga Ceasefire
NSCN (I-M) marks 25 years of Naga Ceasefire For Prelims...
CERT-In Context: • CERT-In issues directions relating to information security...
India’s Military Spending
India’s Military Spending Context: • World military spending continued to...
Arunachal-Assam border dispute
Arunachal-Assam border dispute Context: • Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister...
Introspecting into the Credibility of the Investigating Agencies
Introspecting into the Credibility of the Investigating Agencies Context: •...
Ethical Responsibilities of the Internet Giants
Ethical Responsibilities of the Internet Giants Context: • The Parliamentary...
Draft data accessibility and use policy
Draft data accessibility and use policy Context: Recently the Ministry...
Transnational Terrorism in Africa
Transnational Terrorism in Africa Context: • The terrorist threat today...
Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems
Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems Context: • United States President Joe Biden...