The Lumpy Skin Disease
The Lumpy Skin Disease Origin: The Lumpy Skin Disease was...
Public Health need not be led by Doctors Alone
Public Health need not be led by Doctors Alone For...
Teesta Delay and Its Impact on Hilsa Fish Supply to India
‘Teesta Delay Holding Up Hilsa Fish Supply to India’ For...
PIB Analysis – 31st July, 2022
Steps taken for improving maternal and child health in the...
World Food Programme (WFP)
World Food Programme (WFP) Context: • Twenty million people are...
Addressing the Rising Global Hunger
Addressing the Rising Global Hunger Context: • Given the current...
World Food Program
World Food Program Context: • Food supply chains in Ukraine...
World Happiness Index
World Happiness Index Context: • Finland has been named the...
An Overlook of Maternal Health In India
An Overlook of Maternal Health In India Context: • Kerala...
Agri Nutri Garden Week
Agri Nutri Garden Week Context: DAY-NRLM celebrates Agri Nutri Garden...