PIB Analysis for IAS - 31st July, 2022

Steps taken for improving maternal and child health in the country

  • The Government has formulated several schemes/ programmes for facilitating check-ups and screening of pregnant women, which are as follows:
  • Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan (SUMAN) provides assured, dignified, respectful and quality healthcare at no cost and zero tolerance for denial of services for every woman and newborn visiting public health facilities to end all preventable maternal and newborn deaths.
  • Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) provides pregnant women a fixed day, free of cost assured and quality antenatal check up by a Specialist/Medical Officer on the 9th day of every month.
  • Monthly Village Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Day (VHSND) is an outreach activity at Anganwadi centers for provision of maternal and child care including nutrition in convergence with the ICDS.
  • MCP Card and Safe Motherhood Booklet are distributed to the pregnant women for educating them on diet, rest, danger signs of pregnancy, benefit schemes and institutional deliveries.
  • Reproductive and child health (RCH) portal is a name-based web-enabled tracking system for pregnant women and new born so as to ensure seamless provision of complete services to them including antenatal care, institutional delivery and post-natal care.
  • Outreach camps are provisioned for improving the reach of health care services especially in tribal and hard to reach areas. This platform is used to increase the awareness for the Maternal & Child health services, community mobilization as well as to track high risk pregnancies.

Nyaya Mitra Scheme

  • Nyaya Mitra (NM) aims to facilitate expeditious disposal of 10-15 years old pending cases in High Courts and Subordinate Courts.
  • Since introduction of Nyaya Mitra programme in 2017, a total of 38 Nyaya Mitras were engaged in the States of Assam, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal


Minister’s Dashboard for schemes of the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying launched

  • This dashboard encapsulates the following schemes:
  1. Livestock Health and Disease Control Program (LHDCP)
  2. National Livestock Mission (NLM)
  3. Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)
  4. National Program for Dairy Development Fund (NPDD)
  5. Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)
  6. Supporting Dairy Co-operatives and Farmer Producer Organizations (SDCFPO)
  7. Dairy processing & Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF)
  • The dashboard is equipped with the ability to track the status of individual scheme components, both at a pan-India, as well as state level

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