DoT Issues Calls for Proposals to Propel Telecom Innovation

DoT Issues Calls for Proposals to Propel Telecom Innovation


The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has launched two major calls for proposals aimed at fostering innovation and technological progress within the telecommunications sector.


Syllabus: GS-3  Science and Technology

Key Announcements:

  • Categories of Proposals: The two categories for which proposals are invited are ‘5G Intelligent Village’ and ‘Quantum Encryption Algorithm’.
  • Invited Participants: The DoT is seeking participation from industry stakeholders, MSMEs, start-ups, academia, and government bodies engaged in the design, development, and commercialization of telecommunication products and solutions.
  • Funding Mechanism: These initiatives will be funded under the Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF) scheme, which is part of the Universal Services Obligation Fund (USOF) of the DoT.


  • 5G Intelligent Village:
    • Objective: To leverage 5G technology to enhance rural development.
    • Focus Areas: The proposal, titled “From Connectivity Gaps to Smart Solutions: Designing 5G Networks for Rural Innovation – 5G Intelligent Villages,” aims to address key sectors such as agriculture, education, healthcare, governance, and sustainability.
    • Implementation: Ten villages across different states have been selected for this initiative.
  • Quantum Encryption Algorithm (QEA):
    • Objective: To develop a country-specific Quantum Encryption Algorithm for securing digital communication channels using quantum mechanics.
    • Requirements: The algorithm must ensure unmatched security, advanced encryption capabilities, and ultrafast and efficient encryption.
  • About Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF):
    • Purpose: Established under the Universal Services Obligation Fund (USOF) of the DoT, TTDF aims to support research, design, prototyping, proof of concept testing, IPR creation, field testing, security, certification, and manufacturing of telecom products.
    • Significance: TTDF is instrumental in nurturing the ecosystem for telecom innovation, ensuring the sector remains at the forefront of technological advancement.


This strategic move by the DoT highlights the government’s commitment to bridging the digital divide and enhancing the security of digital communications, thereby fostering a robust and inclusive technological ecosystem.