World Heart Day

World Heart Day


A significant webinar was recently chaired by the Union Health Secretary focusing on promoting a healthy heart movement in India on the occasion of the World heart day.


GS-02 (Social Justice, Health)

World Heart Day Webinar:

  • Objective: To accelerate the “Movement for Healthy Hearts” across India.
  • Significance: World Heart Day serves as a global platform to address heart health concerns and emphasize preventive measures.
  • Experts from the medical field, including cardiology and public health, actively engaged in the discussion.
  • It propounded significant shift from a predominantly curative approach to a more preventive and promotive healthcare model.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including heart diseases, have become a substantial health challenge in India and worldwide and events like the webinar play a crucial role in raising awareness about the significance of maintaining a healthy heart and preventing heart diseases.
  • World Heart Day provides a platform to address the growing concerns surrounding heart health and inspire a movement for change.
  • Empowering individuals with knowledge and guidance from healthcare providers is crucial in fostering a healthier and heart-conscious society.