Two out of five amphibians are facing extinction threat due to climate change: study

Two out of five amphibians are facing extinction threat due to climate change: study


Climate change is emerging as one of the most serious risks to frogs, salamanders, and caecilians, according to a new report that examined two decades of data from around the world.

What is the climate study all about and what are the findings?

The report, titled ‘Ongoing declines for the world’s amphibians in the face of emerging Threats,’ was published on October 4, 2023, in the journal Nature.

It is based on the Amphibian Red List Authority’s second global amphibian assessment, which is handled by Re: wild, a wildlife conservation organization.

What are the findings of the study?

  • Extinction Danger:
    • The research looked at the extinction danger of over 8,000 amphibian species around the world.
    • The study discovered that 40% of amphibian species are currently threatened with extinction.
  • Efforts Made in Collaboration:
    • More than 1,000 specialists from diverse organizations, including scientists and academics, submitted data and knowledge to this global assessment.
  • Primary Threat – Climate Change:
    • Over 300 amphibian species become extinct between 2004 and 2022.
    • Climate change has been identified as the most dangerous to 39% of these species.
    • As more evidence and forecasts on species’ responses to climate change become available, this percentage is likely to climb.
  • Amphibian Sensitivity
    • Amphibians are especially sensitive to environmental changes, rendering them vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
    • They are struggling to adjust to rapid temperature changes and an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as wildfires, droughts, and hurricanes.
  • Climate Captivity:
    • Climate change caused by humans is affecting habitats and environmental circumstances.
    • Amphibians are becoming “climate captives” because they are unable to move long distances to avoid the effects of climate change, such as extreme heat and natural catastrophes.
  • Destruction of Habitat:
    • Aside from climate change, amphibians face severe concerns from habitat destruction and degradation.
    • This hazard affects 93% of all threatened amphibian species.
  • Conservation Priority:
    • The study emphasizes the critical importance of worldwide conservation efforts to address these concerns.
    • It underlines the necessity of maintaining and expanding critical biodiversity areas and corridors.
  • Contribution of Data:
    • This study’s data will be published on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, a critical resource for conservationists and policymakers seeking to safeguard biodiversity.
  • Interconnected Threats:
    • The study emphasizes the interdependence of climate change, habitat degradation, and falling amphibian populations.
    • It underlines the importance of broad conservation measures that target both climate change mitigation and habitat protection.


Overall, this study serves as a wake-up call to the critical need for action to safeguard amphibians, who play critical roles in ecosystems and are particularly sensitive to the effects of climate change and habitat destruction.