Mizoram has the highest cancer incidence rate

current affairs - 2023-10-28

Mizoram has the highest cancer incidence rate


The most recent evidence from an 18-year trend analysis shows a steady increase in cancer incidence and mortality in the state, with stomach cancer emerging as the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men and lung cancer playing a similar role among women.

Mizoram Has a High Cancer Incidence:

  • Despite being India’s second least populous state, Mizoram has the highest cancer incidence rate in the country.
  • This suggests that, in comparison to their population size, Mizoram has a disproportionately high number of cancer cases.

Common cancer Types:

  • In Mizoram, stomach cancer is the top cause of cancer-related fatalities among men.
  • Lung cancer is also a leading cause of cancer-related fatalities in women in the state.
  • These forms of cancer are especially common in the area.

Impact on the Next Generation:

  • According to the report, cancer incidence and mortality rates are increasing among Mizoram’s younger population.
  • This adolescent trend can be attributable to a variety of causes, including lifestyle choices and food trends.

Factors Contributing to High Cancer Rates:

According to the study, the rising cancer incidence and mortality rates in Mizoram could be influenced by several variables, including:

  • Dietary and Lifestyle Patterns: A sedentary lifestyle and food habits common among Mizoram’s endogamous indigenous population could be significant reasons. These habits may raise the risk of developing cancer.
  • Genetic Predisposition: The idea of a genetic predisposition within the population that renders them more susceptible to cancer is also mentioned in the study.

Challenges that Lead to Mortality:

The rise in Mizoram’s mortality rate can be ascribed to several factors, including:

  • Lack of Specialized Diagnostic Facilities: Mizoram may lack access to modern diagnostic facilities, which are critical for early cancer identification and treatment.
  • Skilled Human Resources Shortage: There may be a shortage of healthcare personnel with the expertise to deliver appropriate cancer care.
  • Lack of Genomic Research-Guided Treatments: The region’s treatment plans may not fully harness genomic research and precision medicine, resulting in less effective treatments.
  • Transportation challenges: Geographic and transportation issues may impede patients’ access to specialized healthcare facilities, resulting in delayed diagnosis and treatment.

Source of the data:

  • The researchers used data from the Mizoram Population Based Cancer Registry (PBCR), which was funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). This registry assists in the tracking and documentation of cancer cases in the region, giving critical data for research and healthcare planning.


Finally, the situation in Mizoram necessitates a comprehensive approach to addressing the rising cancer burden. Efforts should be directed at strengthening healthcare infrastructure, raising awareness about cancer prevention and early detection, and undertaking additional research to better understand the variables that contribute to the state’s high cancer rates.

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