Same-sex marriage: Morality vs equality

Same-sex marriage: Morality vs equality

Same-sex marriage: Morality vs equality Context: One of the foremost philosophers in the world, Michael Sandel, was in India a few days before the Supreme Court of India started its hearings on the same-sex marriage issue to participate in a media group’s conclave. Points to […]

Enhancing India-Nepal Ties: A Pragmatic Approach

Enhancing India-Nepal Ties: A Pragmatic Approach

A Pragmatic Approach For Better India-Nepal Ties Context: The Prime Ministers of Nepal and India have demonstrated that a pragmatic approach and mutual sensitivity can re-energise bilateral relations despite enormous obstacles to Nepal’s democracy, governance, and stability as well as what appear to be unresolvable […]

Necessity Of Electricity Distribution Companies

Necessity Of Electricity Distribution Companies

Necessity Of Electricity Distribution Companies Context  The framework for the disbandment of the State Electricity Boards and the division of generating, transmission, and distribution into distinct businesses was provided by the Electricity Act of 2003. While transmission and distribution remained licenced and regulated operations, electricity […]

Why is there trouble in Kosovo again?

Why is there trouble in Kosovo again?

Why is there trouble in Kosovo again? Context On May 29, clashes broke out between the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFor) and Serb protesters in North Kosovo, injuring roughly 30 NATO soldiers and 50 Serbs. Serbia and Kosovo are both located in the Balkans, an area […]

Seeing India’s Energy Transition Through Its States

Seeing India’s Energy Transition Through Its States

Seeing India’s Energy Transition Through Its States Context: India intends to advocate for several energy pathways at the upcoming G20 summit to take into account the various national circumstances and development paths. India’s domestic energy transformation will be determined by the diversity of its States, […]