Change State’s name to Keralam, Assembly resolution urges Centre

Change State’s name to Keralam, Assembly resolution urges Centre


The Kerala Assembly on Wednesday unanimously approved a motion requesting that the State’s name be changed from Kerala to Keralam by the Central Government.

What is the historical background behind the name change?

  • Language and Cultural Identity: The Malayalam language, which is the main language used by the inhabitants of Kerala, has the word “Keralam” as the traditional and acknowledged name for the state.
  • Historical Importance: Based on linguistic factors, “Keralam” was chosen as the name for the state when it was created on November 1, 1956. It illustrates the linguistic and cultural cohesion of the state’s Malayalam-speaking populace.
  • Traditional vs. Official Names: The traditional Malayalam name differs from the official representation since the English term “Kerala” became more widely used throughout time.
  • Disconnect and Identity: The state’s official representation and its linguistic and cultural identity were viewed as being at odds because “Kerala” was used in official records.
  • Unity and Tradition: The name change to “Keralam” attempts to emphasize the community’s unity and historical significance while also being in keeping with the state’s linguistic and cultural history.

What is the constitutional procedure for a change?

  • Initiation of the bill: The procedure begins with the introduction of a bill to rename a state by either the State Legislative Assembly or the Parliament.
  • The President’s Recommendations: Before a bill can be introduced in the Parliament if it is launched there, the President must formally recommend it.
  • Participation of Affected States: The proposed name change must be accompanied by legislation from the states that will be impacted by it.
  • Views of the State Legislative Assembly: The State Legislative Assembly of the affected state has a set amount of time in which to express its opinions and recommendations regarding the suggested name change.
  • Non-Binding Nature: It’s crucial to remember that the President and the Parliament are not bound by the opinions and recommendations made by the State Legislative Assembly. To sustain the Federalist ideals and guarantee that the viewpoint of the affected state is taken into account, this step is essential.
  • Return to Parliament: The bill returns to the Parliament for additional consideration once the State Legislative Assembly’s input is received or the allotted period has passed.
  • Parliamentary Deliberation: Detailed considerations, discussions, and debates are held in the Parliament over this bill. Parliamentarians thoroughly examine the proposed name change’s effects.
  • Voting: The Parliament votes on the proposed legislation. It must receive more than 50% of the vote plus one additional vote (50%+1) to approve by a simple majority.
  • President ratification: If the law is approved by the Parliament, it is next forwarded to the President for ratification. Before making a choice, the President considers the consequences and content of the measure.
  • Presidential Approval: The President must sign the legislation for the proposed name change to become effective.
  • Enforcement of the act: Upon getting the President’s approval and signature, the law is put into effect as an Act. The state’s name is subsequently legally altered under the Act’s provisions, and the Act is then put into effect.

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