Govt. Programme For Non-Communicable Diseases Renamed

Govt. Programme For Non-Communicable Diseases Renamed

Govt. Programme For Non-Communicable Diseases Renamed


The Union government has expanded and given a new name to its plan for the control and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in response to the addition of numerous new diseases or disease groups and new health initiatives.

The Union government’s plan for the control and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) should be expanded and given a new name for the following reasons:

  • New diseases added: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic renal disease, and other conditions have been added to the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS).
  • Need for inclusion of all NCDs: Due to the
  •  emergence of new diseases, it was necessary to cover all NCD subtypes in one plan.
  • Extending the horizons: The Union government expanded the program’s scope beyond its prior concentration on just cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, and stroke as a result of the addition of new ailments and health initiatives.
  • Changing the program’s name: To reflect the program’s widened focus, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare chose to rename NPCDCS as the National Programme for Prevention & Control of Non-Communicable Diseases [NP-NCD].
  • Renaming the portal: To be consistent with the new programme name, the Comprehensive Primary Healthcare Non-Communicable Disease software used for screening and management will now go by the name National NCD Portal.
  • Overall, the Union government’s choice to expand and rename the NCD control and prevention programme is a move in the right direction towards addressing the rising burden of NCDs in the nation.